About me

I provide consulting services in the field of just and sustainable business, with a focus on human rights, disclosure, and strategy.

I have more than 25 years’ of practical experience shaping some of the most important developments in the field. My experience includes:

  • Co-facilitating the creation of the Global Network Initiative, the Responsible Business Alliance, and BSR’s Future of Reporting Working Group.

  • Advising the world’s largest technology, media, and entertainment companies on how to apply the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.

  • Undertaking more than 120 human rights assessments, mainly with technology companies and initiatives.

  • Writing more than a dozen sustainability reports and advising on the content for many more.

  • Participating in various policy and standards setting processes, including the Global Reporting Initiative, Sustainability Accounting Standards Board, and social media company content policies.

I entered the field of just and sustainable business as a student activist in the mid-1990s with the view that (1) companies need to “do a lot more” to address their impacts on people and the environment and (2) companies have an essential role to play in fulfilling rights and ensuring just and sustainable development. This outlook–that we should both change business and harness it–remains my view today.

My work is shaped by a belief that the best insights come from practical experience and that meaningful progress requires applying first principles to substantial challenges. I have special reverence for those working inside companies to lead consequential change and those working at civil society organizations to establish expectations for business that are informed by real world experience.

I have often found myself founding new initiatives, undertaking projects that break new ground, and developing new approaches that turn theory into reality. This experience is especially relevant as we enter a new era where expectations for business that were previously voluntary become mandatory.

You can read more about my perspective on the field of just and sustainable business in this paper setting out 25 insights from my 25 years, including 20 years at BSR and 5 years at BT.

You can also read more about my experience and services.

You can find me on LinkedIn. I remain a senior advisor at BSR.